This is another album I added to my queue the other night on my adding spree. I didn’t know anything about them until I googled them and found out that they’re an early 70s rock band from Los Angeles – I really dig L.A. rock from that era, so I’m looking forward to this one. The band broke up after their follow-up to this album, but this one did see some relative success with a top 40 hit. There’s not a whole bunch else I can see at a quick glance, so I’m going to jump on into the music.
“Go Back” has a really sweet low start to it. Oh wow, I really like that guitar – it reminds me of some 80s dream pop in its sound. Oh wow, that electric comes in strong. Those vocals feel so strong yet distant at the same time. Oh wow, that little plucky bass or guitar part that just came on was sick. I really dig this song. The way the song keeps whirling about itself makes it really interesting to try to follow one particular part, and I keep noticing more and different layers as I continue trying to follow that song. Really sweet song.
“The Other Side” has a very mellow intro with the guitar and tambourine. The way the bass guitar and vocals come in really reminds me of country rock, though this definitely leans more rock, and still has a little feel of that dream pop. This jam part is really awesome – its got a certain milkiness to it that is really pleasant to listen to.
“Catherine” has a really gentle acoustic guitar intro with some blocks for percussion to keep the rhythm going. That bass guitar is so simple and easy-going and serves as a nice rock for the song to play on. There’s a really nice blissfulness to this song. That acoustic guitar changes up a bit here and there, but mostly plays a really reliable pleasant part to the tune. Oh wow, that electric organ really adds a nice flavor to the mix.
“Peace By Peace” has almost a proto-punk feel with that guitar intro and high energy from the band. This one feels like it was especially fun for the band to play. That guitar lick is super tasty, and the drums feel like they’re going all in at times. Oh wow, this tune feels like it gets an almost psychedelic pseudo Doors treatment with the organ sounding like Ray Manzarek’s swirling playing that was part of what made The Doors so recognizable. This might be due to the shared L.A. roots between Crabby Appleton and The Doors – either way, I’m really digging it. There’s a little bit of darkness to this one that also reminds me of The Doors in that way. This song is a really sick song honestly – and an absolute blast to listen to.
“To All My Friends” has a steady rock piano introduction and has a sound that reminds me of Fludd a bit. This one has a great feel to it, like headed towards a specific destination but taking its time. Oh wow, those keys sound really awesome – like they’re from some sort of psychedelic circus. Oh wow, I really dig that little darkness the band sort of creates, yet proceeds to play through as the song further builds upon itself. The vocals are really cool in this one. Oh wow, those percussion fills are awesome. I’m really digging the guitar in this one; it really fills the song and creates tension so very well. Awesome song.
“Try” has a fast-paced hot groove to the beginning. I’m really enjoying this one. I’m not sure if the band was explicitly influenced by The Doors or if the L.A. roots have anything to do with it, but there are certain vocal lines that sound familiar to the way Jim Morrison would sing. This one almost has a funk feel to it with the way the percussion and bass and guitars are played in the soundscape of the song. This little jam in the song has a whole lot of energy and really changes the vibe in an awesome way – really sweet. Oh wow, that electric organ solo was absolutely epic. This album has gone in a completely different direction than how it started, I’m very impressed.
“Can’t Live My Life” has almost a Santana feel with the bass guitar and the percussion section. This album has such great range to it – I’m definitely super stoked I listened to it at this point. Wow, there’s so much feeling in the vocals in this one. Wow, those Latin feels in the drums really give such a different feel to this song. I’m really grooving to this one – awesome track.
“Some Madness” has a little bit of that Latin percussion feel but takes an acoustic approach to the song for the intro. The electric organ brings in some electricity to the mix, but the acoustic guitar keeps the song grounded in a certain way. The vocal lines are really sweet – they take unexpected turns that further flesh out what the instruments are playing in the tune. When the chorus breaks through the song picks up some, but only for a bit to let some of that tension loose. Really great song in my opinion.
“Hunger for Love” brings back that electric guitar and it really jams well with the electric organ. Oh wow, those vocals sound like they’re coming from some sort of ghostly dimension. Oh wow, it really evolves into a nice psychedelic jam with that L.A. feel to it. Those vocals are really awesome. They remind me of “In The Air Tonight” by Phil Collins a bit. This song is super groovy. Oh wow, there’s a vocal line that fades into a new Ray Manzarek-like jam that’s super psychedelic sounding in nature. This one is a blast to listen to – and sounds like it was a blast to make with the energy coming off the song. Wow, the effects from the electric organ give the playing an almost interdimensional feel to the song. The jam fades out and comes back in an almost psychedelic-circus fashion. Really groovy track, wow.
“How Long Will It Take” has a bit of a looser feel to it after that hot jam from the previous song. The percussion feels a bit airier, like the listener has a bit of room to breathe. The acoustic guitar has such a delicate feel to its playing. And the bass is playing even more gently if that’s possible. The lyrics even feel like they reference the song itself. This feels like a really nice way to end the album – quite serene and reassuring, and very pleasant as well. Great tune.
Wow, I’m really impressed by Crabby Appleton right now. I have to listen to there other album at some point soon. Fans of late 60s/early 70s Los Angeles rock will almost certainly enjoy this one, and especially so if you also enjoy psychedelic rock. I’m definitely glad I gave this one a listen, and hope that you enjoy it at least as much as I did if you decide to give it a play.